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HomeMHJC Club CalendarP2/P18 Trail Hero

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P2/P18 Trail Hero

About this event

If you're considering going to 10th annual Trail Hero, let's do it as a group! '

What is Trail Hero?
Easter Jeep Safari was overtaken by this event a few years ago in terms of size and scope. This is an event unlike any other. It is still very much a family-oriented event, but it's a big one!

2025 Event Schedule and maps:

Key Dates:
- This includes Camping registration, Trail signups, Music Festival ticket sales, Golf Tournament entries, Apparel Sales, and more.
- Scroll down on this page for the event description. Highlights include:
- Daily trails, rated 1-15 (1-10 full body, 11-15 buggies)
- Movie nights on the rocks
- Three day vendor show
- Scavenger Hunt
- Three day music festival
- WERock competitions
- Annual creation of a new trail (called Trail Breaker)
- UTV competitions
- Education seminars
... and seriously, he's adding new things all the time!

Got Questions? Want to stay clued in? Join the Trail Hero facebook page. After KOH, the Trail Hero Tuesday weekly live chats will start, where you can ask any question you want, as well as hear more about offerings, changes, rules, plans, and lots of other detail.

Transportation there is up to each registrant.

It is suggested you look into accommodations NOW. The closest VRBOs/AirBNBs will be in Dixie Springs. That drops right into Sand Mountain without needing to enter the park (though you get a park pass with your event registration). Turn the other way, and it takes you to a Maverick and Walmart for fuel and necessities, in Hurricane.

There are plenty of hotels in the St George/Hurricane area at all price points. Definitely call first to ask about trailer parking, if applicable.

There is dispersed, primitive BLM camping as well.

Rich goes over all of this in his weekly Trail Hero Tuesday live chats, when those start up. Be sure to follow

Date and Time

Monday, September 29, 2025, 8:00 AM until Saturday, October 4, 2025, 5:00 PM


St. George, UT  

Event Contact(s)

April Fingerlos


MHJC Trips

Registration Info

Registration is recommended