Sign up on this event to have your radio(s) programmed for the club frequencies after the parent club business meeting.
For members wanting to purchase their own radios the club suggests either the Baofeng UV82C radio or the Baofeng BF-888S handhelds. We have also had good success with the Powerwerks DB-750x mobile unit.
The UV82C is a higher powered more feature rich radio at a higher price tag.
While the BF-888S is a basic walkie-talkie type radio operating at much lower power and a much lower price tag.
The DB-750x is a traditional vehicle-mounted radio with features similar to the UV82C, but offering higher power output and the benefits of a vehicle mounted antenna. This unit will need to be physically installed into your vehicle similar to a traditional CB. Programming software run on Mac and Windows
The Anytone 5888UV (AT-5888UV) is a nearly identical twin to the DB-750X which has some slight differences in the layout of the faceplace, but has the same FCC ID. It seems to run an older firmware but has the same specs and capabilities. Programming software only runs on Windows however. Make sure you get the 5888UV and not the UVIII. The "3" is NOT FCC type accepted for club use. Must be FCC ID T4K-5888UV.
All can be purchased through multiple resellers, including Baofeng directly as well as Amazon.
Club radios are programmed with the commercial radio frequencies as identified in the FCC license issued to Mile Hi Jeep Club. These are not CB, HAM, or GMRS radios. Radios being used with the club license must be FCC Part 90 Compliant. Club radios are for use exclusively at MHJC events within the state of Colorado. Mobile radios will require an antenna suitable for use between 450-470Mhz.
- Amazon -
Amazon UV82C Product Page
- Baofeng Tech -
Baofeng Tech UV82C Product Page
UV82C Replacement Battery Pack - USB-C chargeable - Upgraded battery with USB charging
- Amazon -
UV82C USB-C Battery Pack
- Baofeng Tech -
UV82C USB-C Battery Pack
- Amazon -
Amazon BF-888S Product Page
- Baofeng Radio -
Baofeng Radio BF-888S Product Page
- Amazon -
Amazon DB-750x Product Page
- Powerwerks -
Powerwerks DB-750x Product Page
AT-5888UV (make sure it's a UV not a UVIII or UV Plus)
- Amazon -
Amazon Anytone 5888-UV
Kenwood TK-8180 - this is a older radio, which holds certification for both GMRS as well as LMR Commercial frequencies. Make sure you get the 8180, 8180-K, or 8180-K2 model and not the 8180H. There are two versions of the 8180K (K, K2) which have different frequency bands. Both will work for MHJC Club radios as well as GMRS.
- Sunny Communications Inc in Lakewood stocks these and will warranty their product.